About Us

Intrapreneurs are innovative employees who think beyond the norm (i.e. job description) and utilize their creative ideas to introduce new products, services, alternative administrative systems, or drive smaller businesses inside established companies. Unfortunately, potential intrapreneurs are hidden because they are constrained by organizational procedures, systems, cultures, etc. in many companies across the sectors. At Intrapreneurship Factory, an innovation training and coaching firm based in Cape Town operating nationwide, we help large and medium-sized businesses to identify and transform their employees into intrapreneurial teams, who drive innovative projects that increase bottom-line and generate job-creation. We do this through seminars and workshops.
Our Vision

Transform Employees Into Intrapreneurs

Our Mission
  • Help large and medium-sized firms to identify organizational systems, culture, etc. that inhibit potential intrapreneurs.
  • Unlock the employees’ intrapreneurial-capabilities, which are trapped inside large and medium-sized companies.
  • Help implement viable employees’ innovations that increase the bottom-line and generate job-creation.
Our Value Proposition


Executive Intrapreneurship Seminars

This seminar brings executives from different companies to foster opportunities to upskill the top, middle and operational managers through collaboration.

Employee Intrapreneurship Workshop

Main objective is to transform a team of employees into Intrapreneurs that will lead innovation within the company.

Employees Intrapreneurship Training

Employees stand a great chance of learning how to think, work, behave, develop and implement innovative ideas like Intrapreneurs inside established firms.

Corporate Intrapreneurship Diagnosis

We conduct a comprehensive diagnosis to identify systems, culture, procedures, policies etc.. that inhibit and constrain Intrapreneurship in your organization.

Our Clients

Intrapreneurs in-practice

Executive Directors

Dr Xolani Nghona

Programme manager

Ms Ntombi Mbobela

Financial manager

Mr Siseko Lawana

Project manager

Associate director and strategic partners

Mr. Thabang Qumza

Associate director:

Mr. George Gibbins

Strategic partners:
Product developer

Dr. Irena Yashin-Shaw

Strategic partners:
Intrapreneurship expert (Austrailia)


Mr. Sid Peimer

Advisor: Strategy

Mr. Hugh Molotsi

Lean Startup & Rapid Idea Experiment Advisor

Contact Us

Our Address

53 Leadville way, Sunningdale, 7441

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060 566 2092

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